Legal notice

You have accessed the website owned by the Arbitral Tribunal of the Principality of Andorra (hereinafter referred to as “the ATPA”), domiciled at Prat de la Creu 8, Basement, office 107, AD500 Andorra la Vella (Principality of Andorra), and with Tax Registration Number D-802590-G.

The purpose of this website is to inform about the services offered by the ATPA as well as to provide other related information considered relevant by the ATPA.

This legal notice affects only and exclusively the website and not other websites that may eventually be consulted through links contained therein.

For any questions regarding this website, the ATPA makes available a contact form at the website, a telephone number +376 88 06 80, and an email address

1. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of use of this website

Access to this website implies full acceptance by its users of the Terms and Conditions of use set out in this legal notice, as well in the privacy policy and cookies policy, which are also available on this website (hereinafter, jointly, “the Terms and Conditions”). Likewise, users are obliged to make diligent use of this website, in accordance with what is established in the section “Conditions of use” of this legal notice.

2. Reservation of the power to modify the Terms and Conditions of Use

The ATPA reserves the right to carry out, without prior notice, at any time and with immediate effect, modifications, and periodic updates it deems appropriate in the Terms and Conditions. Therefore, the ATPA recommends that users of this website review the Terms and Conditions periodically.

3. Conditions of use

Users are required to use this website in compliance with the applicable law, morality, public order, good faith and the Terms and Conditions.

In general, users must use this website properly, and must not engage in illegal or criminal activities, infringe rights of other persons or entities, or infringe any rule of the applicable legal system.

In particular, and without limitation, users undertake to:

  • Make use of this website in a fair manner and in accordance with the applicable legislation in force.
  • Not divert or attempt to divert any functionality from this website or its normal use as defined in the Terms and Conditions.
  • Not make use, to access this website, of any robot software or any other equivalent automated process or tool.

Not disseminate any data, information or content that has the effect of decreasing, interrupting, or impeding the normal use of the website, or interrupting and/or decreasing the normal flow of communications.

Definition of the term “contents”

The terms “contents” refers to all the contents that make up this website, understood to include but not limited to : the source code, the design and the navigations structure of the website, as well as the distinctive signs, the videos, photographs and texts shown on the website.

The contents of this website are subject to intellectual property rights, industrial property rights, image rights and / or rights or legal status of similar economic content, owned by ATPA or third parties who have granted the relevant licenses or authorizations. Therefore, access to this website does not grant users any ownership or right to use the contents (by way of, inter alia, reproduction, distribution, public communication, making available or transformation), except that the ATPA or the third-party holders of the rights and / or legal status in question authorize it, either by indicating it on this website or by means of licenses or authorizations in writing to that effect.

Therefore, the ATPA reserves the right to make use of watermarks, technological devices or other security means that allow the tracking or online monitoring of unauthorized uses of these contents. And, in any case, the ATPA reserves the right to file the corresponding legal actions against users of this website that infringe the intellectual property rights, industrial property rights, image rights and / or other rights or legal status of analogous economic content which are concerned.

In the event that any user considers that any of the contents of this website infringes the rights or legal positions of third parties, they must immediately notify the ATPA using the above-mentioned email address, to enable the ATPA to analyse and assess the issue in question.

Exclusion rights of the website

The ATPA reserves the right to deny or suspend, without prior notice and at its discretion, at any time and on a definitive or temporary basis, access to this website to users who violate the Terms and Conditions. This power of the ATPA is without prejudice to any legal actions that it may initiate against users.

Right to interrupt or modify the website

The ATPA may, temporarily or definitively, interrupt the access to this website, in case of not being able or not wishing to continue to operate the website; in these cases, the access of users will be cancelled immediately without being able to hold the ATPA accountable.

Likewise, the ATPA reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice to users, to modify any data, information, or other content on this website, as well as to update or correct errors or inaccuracies.

5. Responsibilities
Liability of the users

Users will use this website under their sole and entire responsibility.

All devices and associated computer programs necessary to access this website are the sole responsibility of the users. Therefore, it is the responsibility of users to take all appropriate and necessary measures to protect their own data, computer systems and/or computer programs from contamination by possible malicious software.

The ATPA recommends that you:

Identify fake emails ('spoofing' or 'phishing' attempts)

Monitor any e-mail you receive in which you are requested to provide personal information or which redirects you to another website that is not owned by the ATPA, or in which you are asked to pay in a different payment method than the authorized by the ATPA, since it could be an attempted impersonation of personality (‘spoofing’ or ‘phishing’) and you will have to consider it fraudulent.

The ATPA uses the domain “” in its emails.

If you receive an email with a different format, for example:, you can be sure that it is a fake email.

Some phishing emails contain links to websites that use the word “ATPA” in their URLs, but will direct you to a completely different website. You can check for truthfulness by hovering the mouse over the link, where you can see the associated URL, which will probably have a different format than the links on the authentic ATPA websites.

If you still click on a phishing email and are redirected on a page that resembles “Your Account” or anyone asks you to verify or modify your personal information, ignore it and consider it fraudulent.

Report the 'phishing' attempts

In case of suspicion about the authenticity of the sender of the message on behalf of the ATPA, please access our contact form and attach the email you consider to be false. By attaching this fraudulent email to us, you are helping to locate its origin.

Report any infringements of rights you encounter

In the event that any user considers that through any of the technical devices, links, directories or other means that can be accessed through this website, the rights or legal positions of third parties are violated, such user should immediately notify the ATPA via the above-mentioned e-mail address, so that the ATPA can analyse and assess the case.

Responsibility of the ATPA

The ATPA is not responsible for any damages or other consequences arising from the use of this website by users.

ATPA is not responsible for damages or other consequences arising from the unavailability of this website or its contents for technical, security, control, updating or maintenance reasons, or for errors due to servers or third-party intermediaries or suppliers.

The ATPA is not responsible for any damages caused to the users of this website by computer programs, malicious software or other elements beyond its control.

The ATPA does not exercise any control over the services, contents and/or other elements that are outside this website and to which users can access through this website. Therefore, ATPA is not responsible for the technical availability, quality or accuracy, among others, of the services, content and/or other elements accessed, damages or other consequences arising as a result of their use unless, in terms of content, ATPA has direct control over the editing of the contents.

As long as it does not contradict what is provided under the applicable law, in the event that the ATPA would be finally held liable for damages not contemplated under this article, the liability of the ATPA will be limited to certain, real and concrete damages.

In any case, the ATPA is not responsible for any damages or other consequences arising from the failure of users to comply with the Terms and Conditions.

6. Autorització d’enllaços

Any third-party link on this website will be directed to its home page, and deep links, network and any other use of the contents of this website by third parties not authorized in writing by the ATPA will be expressly prohibited.

Likewise, the ATPA prohibits the creation of links to this website from other websites with contents that are contrary to the law, good faith, proper customs, morality or public order.

7. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Andorran law.

The users of this website submit to the Andorran jurisdiction, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction that, according to law, could be courts of competent jurisdiction.

The foregoing is without prejudice to the fact that, by reason of a user’s condition as a consumer, other legislation and/or jurisdiction may be retained under law.

Last updated: April 12st, 2021